Monday, 27 April 2009

French Night Sky

Moon Rising

Moon Shadow

Our Little Hamlet Just Before Midnight

Airliner Crossing (157 Secs)

Friday, 24 April 2009

Normandy Easter 2009 (Part 2)

Easter Egg


Wall Flower

Apple Blossom

View From Our Friends' New House

Blossom Trees and Dandelions

Weir in River Mayenne, Laval

River Mayenne, Laval

Water Fountain, Laval

Mirrorred Sky, Laval

Sun Puddle

Cloud on Fire

Monday, 20 April 2009

Normandy Easter 2009 (Part 1)

Le Tommy - Albert, France

Hotel Ibis - Albert, France

Plum blossom

Keeping it dry - Normandy

Beautiful Cherry Blossom

Chuck, chuck - Normandy

Gone to Heaven - St Simeon, France

Naked Tree - Normandy

Decorator's Advert - Laval, France

End of the Rainbow - Normandy

So Tyred! - Normandy

Sunset - St Simeon, France